Beauty's Essence

Letters from the Customers
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I always enjoy hearing from my customers, especially learning how my products have impacted their lives in some ways. Here are some things my customers are saying about my products.

June 22, 2007


It is very important for me to let you know how much you have changed my outlook on life! Your Body Sense Cream is da’ bomb!!!

I have a recurring sore on my nose and have used many different products to attempt the healing process, only to have it become more infected. And truly it has become a large ‘vanity’ issue for me. Well, not anymore!!!! For Mother’s Day you gave me back my vanity tenfold! My nose is healing and looks better each day.

I have some pretty ugly feet and therefore have not gone out in public with my toes peeking out for at least 30 years. (Another vanity issue!) I will be sporting new feet for the summer!

My 19 year old daughter has suffered from nickel allergy all her life and whenever she wears most jewelry, she breaks out. Cleared in one application!!!!! She can wear any jewelry she wants.

And now, my cat is also 19 years old and moves rather slowly, she doesn’t always make it to her cat box, but otherwise seems pretty healthy for her age. But since she has a little trouble maneuvering herself, she sometimes gets wet litter stuck between her toes and it can become infected. Two applications on her infected toenail, infection gone! Dirty ears sparkling clean!!!

Whether you know it or not, you have been added to my list of Special Angels!

Thank you for causing me to be a lifelong customer! It was more than just a Mother’s Day gift!

Jan Lauder

Modified June 26, 2007