Beauty's Essence

Creations by Christina

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Stuff for Kids...


2 Tablespoons solid shortening (Crisco)
1 Tablespoon Kool-aid drink mix (dry kind with sugar)

Mix the solid shortening together with the drink mix, microwave until mixture is melted, pour into a small container, and set in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Congratulation you have just made shiny lip gloss for just pennies on the dollar.


1 gallon of water mixed with 1Tablespoon borax
4 ozs. Elmers Glue
Empty Yogurt Cups
Tempera or Poster Paint (various colors)
Plastic Spoons
Small zip lock bags.

Place Elmers glue in yogurt cup. Have each girl pick her favorite color Poster or Tempera Paint and put in one squirt of the paint in with the glue. Mix the glue and paint together till blended with a plastic spoon. Once glue and paint are mixed well add 2ozs. of the water/borax mix (too much will make a hard lump, it should be more liquidy than clay like) Stir with finger and you have gak. Place gak in zip lock bags to take home.

For clean up, use the remaining borax solution to congeal the goop on their hands, table, floor, etc. I would recommend you do this activity outside!!!

Christina's Stuff

Body Sprays
Fruity Plaza
Fruits & Gardens

Lip Balm & Lip Gloss

Modified June 12, 2005

Created July 15, 2004